The NNA was announced in March 2019 to support continuing professional capability development for all nurses across healthcare institutions to meet the evolving healthcare needs of our population. The NNA achieves this by:
- articulating competencies required for nurses’ evolving roles through the establishment of competency frameworks and training roadmaps,
- accrediting workplace-based nursing programmes and courses to ensure they are of consistent quality and recognised nationally, and
- building workplace-based nursing education capabilities.
It currently operates as a virtual entity since March 2020 – a portal to provide nurses, healthcare institutions, and nursing course providers access to a suite of programmes and courses available.
For nurses, these courses will help to grow their clinical skills and knowledge in areas which they want to further develop.
Healthcare institutions may use the list of courses to plan their staff training and development. They may also refer to the nursing competency frameworks here housed on the NNA portal to set clinical performance expectations, and design workplace-based nursing education experiences that strengthen capabilities and support continuing professional growth and development of their nursing workforce.
Course providers, including Institutes of Higher Learning, may identify learning gaps and develop programmes / courses to address these gaps. They may also refer to NNA’s Standards for Workplace Based Nursing Education here and the Accreditation Guidelines for Workplace-based Nursing Education here when applying for their programmes / courses to be accredited.