Newly Added Courses and Events


1) A new HMDP Expert event co-organised by SingHealth, TTSH and NUHS on "Healthcare Innovation and Transformation – Nursing Innovation, Informatics and Digital Health" has been listed. Please click on the links to find out more if keen!

2) A new event organised by Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS, on "Navigating Medical Law and Ethics in the Current and Future Landscape" has been listed. There are 2 run dates, on 16 Sep and 30 Sep. Please click on the dates to find out more if keen.


1) Four new courses on "Patient Counselling", "Patient Education", "Prevention and Care of Pressure Injury (Refresher Course for ENs)" and "ReXilience® Course: Post-Incident Dialogue" run by CGH have been listed.

2) One new course on "WSQ Manage Change (Classroom and Asynchronous eLearning)" run by Parkway College has been listed.

Please visit the available courses tab if keen!