NUHCS Cardiac Critical Care Masterclass

   04 Apr 2025 - 05 Apr 2025      9am to 6pm      NUHS Tower Block Level 1 Auditorium, 1E Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119228


National University Heart Centre Singapore (NUHCS)

Programme Outline

We invite you to the inaugural NUHCS Cardiac Critical Care Masterclass, designed for medical professionals seeking to elevate their expertise in the management of critically ill patients.     With a focus on cardiac emergencies, this comprehensive programme offers an in-depth exploration of foundational and advanced intensive care techniques, emphasizing the multidisciplinary management of complex clinical scenarios including critical care nephrology, mechanical ventilation, and end-of life cases. Gain invaluable insights into the assessment, monitoring, and treatment of acute cardiac conditions, including cardiogenic shock, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, cardiac arrest, and associated acute complications.    Through a blend of case discussions, evidence-based guidelines, and hands-on demonstrations, this masterclass is an exceptional avenue for specialists, intensivists, critical care nurses, allied health professionals, and medical officers to enhance their capacity in delivering exemplary care in high-stakes emergencies – all in making a significant impact to the lives of cardiac critical care patients.   

Date: 4 - 5 April 2025 (Friday - Saturday)

Time: 9am - 6pm

Venue: NUHS Tower Block, Zone T (1E Kent Ridge Road Singapore 119228)

Event Type


Event Mode


Registration Details

Please complete the form to register your interest for the Workshop.

Registration Fees Payable

Early Bird: $150

Usual price: $200

POC Details

Please email Ms Vanessa Gui at if you need more information on the Workshop.

CPE Eligibility

4 CPE points per day

URL for NUHCS Cardiac Critical Care Masterclass

NUHCS Cardiac Critical Care Masterclass